Preventive Maintenance Checklist For Your Commercial Air Conditioning

A commercial AC is one of the biggest energy consumers in your commercial space. Regular maintenance keeps your system in tip-top shape and enhances optimal energy use. An air conditioning maintenance checklist keeps maintenance at a priority level to ensure that you inspect all AC components promptly.

The guide below breaks down the steps for your commercial AC preventive maintenance.

Check Thermostat Controls

Check the temperature settings at the onset of every season or when your commercial AC no longer runs regularly. Then, program the system to optimal settings to enhance optimal energy consumption. If you already programmed schedules, recheck to ensure the settings still fit your current needs.

Clean or Replace Air Filters

Your filters must be in good condition for air to flow through your system without hindrance. If the filters are clogged, your commercial AC works harder and uses more energy. So, clean the filter and get a replacement quarterly. If you manufacture or produce items, increase the frequency of filter examination, cleanup, and replacement.

Lubricate Movable Parts

During regular operation, movable components such as bearings, belts, and motors experience friction. As a result, the mobile parts wear down and cause your commercial AC to use more energy than necessary. Regular lubrication ensures the movable parts operate effectively and reduces system degradation.

Clean and Treat Condenser and Evaporator Coil

The AC's condenser and evaporator coils are vital for heat exchange and should remain clean. However, since the condenser coil gets exposed to the elements, air deposits, dirt, and fungi get deposited on the coils. Therefore, clean the part to remove debris. Then, treat the coils with an antimicrobial agent to prevent mold and fungi growth.

Clean Drainage Lines

Air conditioners generate water vapor; the drainage lines deposit the condensation to an exterior tray. Over time, the tray attracts microbes such as mold, bacteria, and algae.

The microbes can produce by-products that cause system blockage. So, clear the drainage lines and ensure the collection pan doesn't overflow and damage your property.

Inspect the Refrigerant Level

The refrigerant/coolant is like the lifeblood of your commercial AC air system. If the refrigerant is low, the coils could freeze up, the cooling capacity could decline, or your compressor could become damaged. So, inspect the coolant to determine whether you have a leak. Refrigerant problems aren't usually a DIY task, so once you identify a leak, call an air conditioning maintenance technician to resolve the problem.


Regular company maintenance staff can perform many tasks to enhance your commercial AC's performance. Nonetheless, some AC issues call for professional air conditioning maintenance technicians. Therefore, don't neglect scheduled professional air conditioning maintenance even as you maintain self-guided checks. 

Contact a local company like Baton Rouge Air Conditioning & Heating for more information. 
